
Mathematical special functions

< cpp‎ | numeric
Numerics library
Common mathematical functions
Special mathematical functions
Floating-point environment (C++11)
Complex numbers
Numeric arrays
Pseudo-random number generation
Compile-time rational arithmetic (C++11)
Numeric algorithms
Generic numeric operations
Bit operations

The Mathematical Special Functions library was originally part of Library TR1 ISO/IEC TR 19768:2007, then published as an independent ISO standard, ISO/IEC 29124:2010, and finally merged to ISO C++ as of C++17.

See Mathematical special functions for the ISO/IEC 29124:2010 version of this library.

[edit] Functions

Defined in header <cmath>
associated Laguerre polynomials
(function) [edit]
associated Legendre polynomials
(function) [edit]
beta function
(function) [edit]
(complete) elliptic integral of the first kind
(function) [edit]
(complete) elliptic integral of the second kind
(function) [edit]
(complete) elliptic integral of the third kind
(function) [edit]
regular modified cylindrical Bessel functions
(function) [edit]
cylindrical Bessel functions (of the first kind)
(function) [edit]
irregular modified cylindrical Bessel functions
(function) [edit]
cylindrical Neumann functions
(function) [edit]
(incomplete) elliptic integral of the first kind
(function) [edit]
(incomplete) elliptic integral of the second kind
(function) [edit]
(incomplete) elliptic integral of the third kind
(function) [edit]
exponential integral
(function) [edit]
Hermite polynomials
(function) [edit]
Legendre polynomials
(function) [edit]
Laguerre polynomials
(function) [edit]
Riemann zeta function
(function) [edit]
spherical Bessel functions (of the first kind)
(function) [edit]
spherical associated Legendre functions
(function) [edit]
spherical Neumann functions
(function) [edit]