

< cpp‎ | io
Defined in header <ios>
typedef /*unspecified*/ streamoff;

The type std::streamoff is a signed integral type of sufficient size to represent the maximum possible file size supported by the operating system. Typically, this is a typedef to long long.

It is used to represent offsets from stream positions (values of type std::fpos). A std::streamoff value of -1 is also used to represent error conditions by some of the I/O library functions.

[edit] Relationship with std::fpos

  • the difference between two std::fpos objects is a value of type std::streamoff
  • a value of type std::streamoff may be added or subtracted from std::fpos yielding a different std::fpos.
  • a value of type std::fpos is implicitly convertible to std::streamoff (the conversion result is the offset from the beginning of the file).
  • a value of type std::fpos is constructible from a value of type std::streamoff

[edit] See also

represents absolute position in a stream or a file
(class template) [edit]
sets the input position indicator
(public member function of std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>) [edit]
sets the output position indicator
(public member function of std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>) [edit]