
std::experimental::propagate_const<T>::operator element_type*, std::experimental::propagate_const<T>::operator const element_type*

Technical specifications
Filesystem library (filesystem TS)
Library fundamentals (library fundamentals TS)
Library fundamentals 2 (library fundamentals 2 TS)
Extensions for parallelism (parallelism TS)
Extensions for parallelism 2 (parallelism TS v2)
Extensions for concurrency (concurrency TS)
Concepts (concepts TS)
Ranges (ranges TS)
Special mathematical functions (special math TR)
constexpr operator element_type*();
(1) (library fundamentals TS v2)
constexpr operator const element_type*() const;
(2) (library fundamentals TS v2)

Provides implicit conversions to element_type* and const element_type*.

1) This function does not participate in overload resolution unless T is an object pointer type or is implicitly convertible to element_type*.

2) This function does not participate in overload resolution unless T is an object pointer type or is implicitly convertible to const element_type*.


[edit] Parameters


[edit] Return value

A pointer to the object pointed to by the wrapped pointer-like object, i.e., this->get()

[edit] Example

[edit] See also

returns a pointer to the object pointed to by the wrapped pointer
(public member function) [edit]